Building Habits That Stick: One Step At A Time

Join me on a journey into the world of habits, exploring the common pitfalls we encounter when striving for positive change. In the realm of mindfulness and the art of building good habits, we’ll unravel the complexities of our efforts.

In this discussion, we’ll uncover the reasons behind why healthy habits often slip away despite our best intentions. We need to understand the challenges in both creating and maintaining our habits.

“Why, even when we know what needs to be done, do we struggle to stick to our resolutions?”

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Sustainable habits require a strong foundation - read on to learn how

In the whirlwind of daily life, the allure of quick fixes is tempting. Yet, just like planting a garden, cultivating habits needs patience. Rather than overwhelming ourselves, let’s lay the groundwork for sustained transformation.

Celebrate small wins that propel us forward. Incorporate one habit at a time, as if you are assembling building blocks. A sturdy foundation ensures gives you something to build upon. Lets dive into common pitfalls like setting realistic expectations, cultivating flexibility, and more. Join us on this expedition to unravel the secrets of habit formation and navigate the journey of lasting change together.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve into six key insights that show why healthy habits often slip through our fingers. By embracing these insights, we’re not only reshaping our perception of willpower but also infusing our journey with empathy and understanding. Let’s embark on this transformative exploration, armed with new wisdom and resilience, as we navigate the landscape of habit formation. Together, we’ll find the truths that will redefine our approach to lasting and positive change.

Unveiling the Truth About Willpower

In the quest for positive change, the elusive nature of willpower often casts a shadow. It often leads us to believe that we lack the strength to sustain meaningful change. This misconception has a huge impact, which leaves us with feelings of inadequacy.

It’s time to bust the myth surrounding willpower. Instead we need to recognise that our challenges are not unique but an intrinsic part of the shared human experience.

Have you ever believed that you didn’t have enough willpower? Similarly, imagine the weight we carry when we think of our struggles as personal shortcomings. It’s a heavy burden that often leads to frustration and self-doubt. However, it’s crucial to redefine our understanding of willpower. It’s not an all-powerful force but a subtle part of our mind that is shaped by different internal and external factors.

Consider the daily grind as a battleground for willpower. The decision to resist that tempting afternoon snack or to drag ourselves to the gym after a long day of work becomes a test of our perceived strength. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that willpower isn’t an infinite resource. Instead, it fluctuates, affected by fatigue, stress, and numerous other variables.

Willpower alone simply isn’t enough to maintain a habit.

Willpower alone simply isn’t enough to maintain a habit.

Avoiding Overwhelm To Create Sustainable Habits

Nurture One Habit At A Time

In the hustle of life, the temptation for quick and dramatic change can be alluring. Picture planting numerous seeds in a garden all at once. The result is stifled growth and chaos. The same principle applies to habits. Instead of burdening ourselves with an array of changes, let’s approach this journey with patience. Just like tending to a garden, we focus on nurturing one habit at a time, allowing it to firmly take root before introducing the next. This method cultivates a garden of sustainable and mindful change.

Break It Down… Then Tackle One Step At A Time

Consider a concert pianist learning a complex piece. Rather than attempting to master the entire composition in one go, they break it down into manageable sections, perfecting each part before moving on. Just as the pianist builds a masterpiece note by note, we too can build a life of positive habits by taking it one step at a time.

Think about entrepreneurs who started with an idea. They didn’t launch multiple businesses simultaneously; they focused on one venture, ensuring its success before expanding. Similarly, by concentrating on one habit at a time, you lay the groundwork for a resilient and enduring lifestyle.

Slow And Steady Is Key To Longterm Change

I understand that the allure of slow and steady might not seem as trendy or satisfying in our quest for quick fixes. However, if the habit you want to build is genuinely significant, if it’s about lasting change and creating a longterm change, it’s crucial to pause, take a breath, and reflect.

Life Versus New Habits

Whether you’re attempting to implement multiple habits simultaneously or contemplating a major lifestyle change, it’s essential to recognise that life is already overwhelming. Balancing responsibilities like work, family, and personal commitments can be challenging enough. You must find your Calm Amid Chaos.

Further, that overwhelming feeling is a primary reason crash diets often fail. Imposing drastic rules, such as avoiding entire food groups, might show initial results, but the rebound effect can nullify your hard work. There are more effective approaches that lead to lasting change.

Enjoy The Snowball Effect By Building Strong Foundations

Consider the fitness enthusiast who starts with a simple habit of a daily 10-minute walk. Once that becomes a habit, they gradually add more activities. The key is to celebrate small wins and build on them. It’s like a snowball effect. It starts small and gains momentum.

Further, it’s more efficient to introduce one habit at a time. Once mastered, slowly introduce something new. Think of it as building blocks. Establish a solid foundation by repeating the habit consistently before adding the next block. Just like a jumble tower, if you throw in all the blocks at once or don’t build a strong base, the tower isn’t strong. Consequently, every block is unstable. Give yourself the chance by taking the time to build a base so your future efforts can remain stable.

Enjoy The Snowball Effect By Building Strong foundations

Redefine Success And Celebrate The Journey

Set Short Term Goals To Help Those Habits Stick

Let’s talk about the realistic expectations we set for the new habits we want to create. It’s essential to ditch the idea that everything needs to be a grand, five-year plan. Instead, let’s break it down. Instead, take it week by week or whatever timeframe suits your goal.

A Personal Fitness Story

I remember a time last year when I was on a roll with gruelling daily exercise, hitting an impressive 150-day streak. It felt like a badge of honour at the time. However, here’s the truth, I was heading towards exhaustion and injury. I was so fixated on the idea of reaching 365 days straight that I ignored the signs. There were many signs! I even sometimes worked out twice a day because I constantly chased the next more demanding challenge, including 75Hard (not recommended). In the end, I got sick for a whole month and was left with injuries that took even longer to heal. Lesson learned.

Exercise is fantastic, but it’s the consistency that creates lasting benefits. I’ve realised I’d be better off committing to, for example, four workouts a week rather than pushing myself beyond my limits on a daily basis. Noting that understanding our true limits is a challenge of its own. Adding variety to workouts also helps to prevent injury. As you can see, there are lots of ways to build a sustainable exercise habit and lots of things that you should mindfully consider when creating a habit like this. The real goal is achievable habits, it needs to be realistic and sustainable.

Create And Celebrate Mini Victories

Take weight loss as another example. You may want to lose 100kg but fixating on this number can be defeating. Instead, think about the first 5kg. It’s a far more achievable and emotionally manageable target. When you have achieved this, look at the next 5kg. Further, when it comes to changing your diet don’t go for a drastic overhaul. Instead perhaps focus on adding two plant-based meals next week? It’s a step, not a seismic shift.

Sure, big picture goals are inspiring, but let’s be real, they can also be overwhelming. Break them into bite-sized goals that feel like mini victories. Each small goal becomes a reward, just like the gold stars on a childhood reward chart. It’s not the final report card, but the little wins do add up over time.

Building habits is like putting together a puzzle. Instead of staring at the whole picture and feeling overwhelmed, focus on the edges or a distinct section. It’s easier to find and assemble the pieces that way. Keep the big picture in mind, sure, but don’t let it distract you from making progress.

True success, I realised, isn't just about reaching a destination, but also about relishing the journey.

The Magic Is In The Everyday Journey… Create Enjoyable Habits

Our habits thrive on small, short-term goals. Further, it’s scientifically proven to increase success. So, let’s shift our gaze from those enchanting long-term visions to the beauty of present, consistent actions. Let’s appreciate the journey, find joy in the small steps, and forget about fixating on a distant finish line. After all, the magic is in the everyday journey, not just the destination.

The Turning Point: Redefining Success

This marked a marked a shift in my personal path. It became essential for my wellbeing to work out how to enjoy the journey. Previously, I fixated on rushing towards distant goals. This meant neglecting other aspects of my life such as my health, relationships, or passions. The pivotal change for me involved redefining the idea of success. True success, I realised, isn’t just about reaching a destination, but also about relishing the journey.

Consider for example that achieving thinness or wealth doesn’t guarantee a happy and fulfilling life. It’s crucial to find joy in the ongoing process.

Build Flexibility Into Your Habit Routine

Creating A Flexible Mindset

Consider the gentle sway of a willow tree in the wind compared to the rigidity of a stone statue. Similarly, rigid habits lack the flexibility required for lasting change. Life is unpredictable, and routines may need change some days. Instead of a fixed mindset, let’s cultivate a flexible one, allowing for adjustments without sacrificing our wellbeing. In the dance of habit formation, embracing both routine and adaptability is key.

The Self-Defeating ‘All Or Nothing’ Approach Will Destroy Your Habits

This is one that many of us can relate to. I have been guilty many times of going for the all or nothing approach. I’ve set strict rules for myself but fell in a heap shortly after starting. It’s easy to fall into this trap if you listen to many people online who prioritise seeking attention over their consumers wellbeing. They will brag about waking up one day and going all in on a new plan, and often been dishonest about their journey. Drastic transformation makes for a more interesting story, but it’s rarely realistic or healthy. For instance, maintaining strict dietary choices or other intense and restrictive schedules.

Have you been guilty of the ‘all or nothing’ approach? Did your habit stick?

Finding Balance Between The Two Extremes If You Want Your Habits To Stick

Confession, I am a data geek, it’s the industry I’m currently in. I feel like I’m drawn to numbers and patterns and finding trends. Further, there is a data gold mine on my wrist, it’s my Apple Watch. There is a daily calorie burn goal, stand goal and exercise goal. It tracks a whole heap of stuff. I both love it and hate it at the same time.

I’ve definitely been guilty in the past of been too rigid with the goals. I’ve run on the spot before getting into bed more times than I’d like to admit. All in order to close my last ring and get that little buzz on my wrist. That badge that says ‘good job today’. Quite honestly though, it’s boring and not a fun way to achieve my goals. Also, getting those last 37 calories in before I took my watch off really didn’t make much difference. I was far too rigid. I soon got bored of running bedside and switched to just not caring at all and it went downhill from there.

There is a spot in between these two extremes. We should be conscious of moving throughout the day, but not doing more just because this thing on my wrist said I fell 37 calories under the arbitrary number I set for myself.

Instead of a fixed mindset, let's cultivate a flexible one, allowing for adjustments without sacrificing our wellbeing.

Timing Can Be Your Friend Or Your Enemy

It’s not just about the rigidity and intensity of a habit, but also when it is performed. Let me explain.

Say I commit to working out every day, such as a good morning sweat session before work to start the day. My alarm doesn’t go off so I sleep in and don’t have time to exercise before work. My day and my habits are ruined. Right?

It’s perspective. Yes it’s not what I had planned, but it doesn’t need to ruin my day or be the end of my efforts to create an exercise habit. I could go for a walk at lunch or wind down with some yoga in the evening. It’s not your intense morning sweat session but you can still choose to move in other ways.

Further, this shows the power of a flexible routine. Routine is a powerful tool in habit creation because you just do the thing, there is less decision and willpower involved. We need to acknowledge that life happens, sometimes you might need to be a little bit flexible. 

Prepare Your Mindset To Win The Habit Game

Mental Preparation Is Key When Creating Habits

Starting a new journey requires a thoughtful beginning. The mindset we bring to it is key for lasting change. Approaching a new habit without mental preparation can turn the path into a burdensome one. Consider choosing nourishment over deprivation, embracing movement as a gift, and understanding that change unfolds over time. By reshaping our internal dialogue to one of compassion and positivity, we establish the groundwork for a habit that blossoms naturally.

Create Habits That Flourish Into A Lifestyle

Let me share a scenario we can all relate to. Have you ever decided suddenly, “I’m never going to do X again”? While it might seem easier to not overthink things, an unprepared mindset can make the journey challenging. For instance, declaring, “I’m eating all the cake today, and then it’s over. I know it’ll be tough, but I just need to endure the pain to lose weight.” Does that sound like an enjoyable road to walk down?

Consider the way you talk to yourself. If your inner dialogue is filled with thoughts like “this sucks,” “I don’t like vegetables,” “exercise is painful,” or “I’m too tired and can’t be bothered,” it becomes harder for the habit to stick. Now, think about changing that dialogue to “I’m nourishing my body,” “movement feels good,” “I’ll make time because it’s important to me,” and so on.

Let’s challenge negative self-talk. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” say, “I can with effort.” It’s not about avoiding feedback, but instead acknowledging that you’re more likely to succeed when you actively work on preparing your mindset for the journey ahead.

Imagine planting seeds in the garden. If you tell yourself, “This is going to be too hard, I’m not good at gardening,” it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, say, “I’m learning to nurture these seeds, and it’s a journey worth taking.” The same applies to habits.

So, as you embark on creating a new habit, visualise the journey positively. See it as a path of self-nurturing rather than deprivation. With a prepared mindset, your habits will not only stick but flourish into a lifestyle that aligns with your wellbeing.

You must see your journey as a path of self-nurturing rather than deprivation.

How Your Environment Nourishes Habit Creation

Reinforcing Positive Change Through Your Support System

Picture your surroundings as a canvas. This backdrop needs to nurture your aspirations. When you share your goals with supportive people, you create a place filled with understanding and encouragement. Choose those who uplift your journey and offer help without judgment.

Sharing your goals with those around you can be transformative. It not only holds you accountable but also provides a support system. However, it’s crucial that your team is positive and supportive. Stay away from negativity or those that reinforce habits you’re trying to break.

Further, not everyone embraces change. If they’re not ready, they might unintentionally resist or sabotage your efforts. Comparatively, supportive individuals can add to environmental changes like shopping for different groceries, joining you for walks, or keeping tempting snacks out of sight.

Control Your Surroundings To Make Habits Easier

Let’s turn our focus further to our surroundings that we control, as they are a critical factor in shaping habits. If your environment doesn’t help you, it’s hindering you.

Crafting a supportive environment involves simple yet powerful changes. For example, consider setting a specific time for your workout each day (but stay flexible), organising your workout space, or even having a workout buddy to increase accountability. Plan and prepare your meals for the week, making healthy choices more accessible. Invest in a reusable water bottle to encourage hydration throughout the day, and keep it within easy reach. Place nutritious snacks at eye level in your pantry, making them the go-to option, while moving less healthy options to less visible shelves. These simple changes can have a big impact on solidifying the habits you aim to establish.

Crafting a supportive environment involves simple yet powerful changes.

New Beginnings – Whether It’s A New Year Or A New Day

Reflecting On My Own Pitfalls

In my journey of habit creation, I’ve had failures but learned valuable lessons. Embracing the strategies we discussed today has been a game-changer. While I’ve been adept at priming my mindset and preparing my environment, I’ve consciously moved away from implementing massive changes overnight or opting for the all-or-nothing approach.

Mindfully Plan New Goals And Habits

Let’s remember these lessons as the calendar turns to a new year, the age-old tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions comes into play. However, let’s approach this ritual with a mindful lens, recognising that the journey of change is a continuous evolution. Rather than hastily crafting grand resolutions, let’s take a moment to reflect on the small, sustainable habits that can be cultivated throughout the coming year.

Instead of proclaiming a huge fitness goal, why not commit to a daily 15-minute walk or adding more short exercise routines? Small, consistent efforts often outshine ambitious but unsustainable endeavours.

Imagine a resolution to read more. Instead of setting an overwhelming target of finishing a book every week, set aside a realistic amount of time each day to enjoy a few pages. The joy of completing a book is equally sweet, whether it takes a week or a month.

This shift in perspective from grandiose resolutions to mindful, manageable habits is not about reaching a final destination. It’s about appreciating and relishing the journey. Further, it’s about the mindful steps taken each day, week, and month.

For instance, if your resolution is centred around wellness, rather than fixating on a specific weight goal such as focussing on incorporating nutritious choices into your meals regularly. Gradual changes in eating habits often lead to more lasting and positive outcomes.

Consistent And Intentional Acts Are Key

Remember, the new year isn’t just about big, audacious goals. Instead, it’s about the beauty of consistent, intentional actions. Each small step adds up, creating a mosaic of accomplishments over time.

So, as we embrace the fresh start of the new year, let’s create and layer sustainable habits. Remember, it’s about celebrating the journey rather than fixating on a final destination. The joy is in the mindful steps we take, each one helping us move towards a more fulfilling and healthier version of ourselves.

Navigating Habits: A Recap

Now it’s time for you to consider your own journey. Dive into the habits you are working to master, unveiling the intricacies of positive change. We’ve explored pitfalls, emphasising the need for patience and mindful cultivation in the habit-building dance.

Tending to one habit at a time, like a gardener caring for a garden, ensures sustainable growth. Just as a pianist masters a piece section by section, our habits flourish incrementally.

Realistic expectations and flexibility take centre stage, steering away from overwhelm. The magic lies in the everyday journey, not just the distant destination.

We’ve dispelled willpower myths, embracing universal challenges with empathy. Now, armed with newfound wisdom, we’re ready to redefine positive change.

A prepared mindset and environment are vital, setting the stage for lasting transformation. 

The joy is in the mindful steps we take, each one helping us move towards a more fulfilling and healthier version of ourselves.
The joy is in the mindful steps we take, each one helping us move towards a more fulfilling and healthier version of ourselves.

What habit are you working on?

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced?

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